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ITS Australia Summit 2024
Experience intelligent transport projects in action by joining a technical tour or attending a demonstration at Summit 2024. 

Technical Tour 1: Australian Centre for Robotics - C-ITS Demonstration

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Tue 13, Wed 14 and Thu 15 August - Various times 

Visit the Australian Centre for Robotics (ACFR) lab and see a live demonstration of their Connected and Automated Vehicle (CAV) research using their purpose-built test vehicles.

Delegates will see an in-lab demonstration as well as experience the C-ITS capabilities from the vehicle’s passenger seat on a short loop on nearby streets and through a connected SCATS Intersection.

Delegates will hear about the collaboration between ACFR and Transport for NSW's Future Mobility and SCATS teams and the objectives of the research.

The tour is hosted by the Australian Centre for Robotics in collaboration with TfNSW.

Time and Date:

Tuesday 13th August
2.00pm - 3.00pm (Departing 1.45pm and returning at 3.15pm)

Wednesday 14th August
9.30am - 10.30am (Departing 9.15am and returning 10.45am)
2.00pm - 3.00pm (Departing 1.45pm and returning at 3.15pm)

Thursday 15th August
9.30am - 10.30am (Departing 9.15am and returning 10.45am)

PRICE: $50 per person

Max Participants:
14 (per tour group) - Tour duration: 1hr 30 mins

How to Register: TBC

Technical Tour 2 - UTS Data Arena - 3D Immersions and Visualisations

Tue 13 August: 2.00pm - 3.00pm

Join a one hour immersive session at the UTS Data Arena - a powerful immersive facility that can help researchers,
business and government simplify complex information.

Users in the arena can surround themselves in data to observe, explore, refine, improve, discover and learn. This 360-degree interactive data visualisation facility is changing the way we view and interact with data.

Viewers stand in the middle of a large cylindrical screen, four metres high and ten metres in diameter. A high performance computer graphics system drives six 3D-stereo video projectors, edge-blended to create a seamless three-dimensional panorama.

Picture clarity is made possible from an image that’s 20,000 x 1200 pixels.  Each user wears Active-Shutter Glasses, which present separate left/right views to achieve a stereo-visual effect. To complement the visual experience, a 16-channel audio system surrounds the Arena.

The tour is hosted by the University of Technology Sydney.

Time and Date:

Tuesday 13th August
2.00pm - 3.00pm (Departing 1.30pm and returning at 3.30pm)

PRICE: $50 per person

Max Participants:

How to Register: TBC
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Technical Tour 3 - Lexus Australia - Safer Urban Mobility through Cooperation and Shared Perception

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Tue 13, Wed 14 and Thu 15 August - Various times 

In Sydney’s Darling Harbour, Lexus Australia is showcasing safer urban mobility with Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS).

Vulnerable Road Users, who lack protection in collisions, are disproportionately represented in road trauma.

This showcase demonstrates how C-ITS Cooperative Awareness and Collective Perception Services can enable real-time information sharing between both "connected" and "nonconnected" road users, enhancing awareness in dense urban environments.

Highlights of the demonstration include vehicle-to-vehicle intersection movement assistance, connected cycling with Commsignia OBU Lite, and Bosch Traffic Analytics for pedestrian collision notifications.

Time and Date:

Tuesday 13th August
Every 15 minutes from 10.30am to 5.00pm

Wednesday 14th August
Every 15 minutes from 9.30am to 3.30pm

Thursday 15th August
Every 15 minutes from 9.30am to 1.30pm

PRICE: $50 per person

Max Participants:
  3 people per car (3 cars running in multiple loops)

Tour duration: 15 minutes

How to Register: TBC